Photo taken by member, Eloise Lyon

Get Involved

The Minaki Conservancy relies on members for volunteer time, for input on its work, for decisions at the annual general meeting, and for financial support.

For membership purposes, the Minaki geographic area is from the Dalles and Throat Rapids, extending down the Winnipeg River watershed to the Whitedog dam.



Primary membership is available to anyone who owns and occupies residential property in Minaki.

Each Primary membership includes a person’s spouse or partner, if any, and is entitled to two votes at the annual general meeting.

If you have questions about membership eligibility or the Primary and Associate classes, there is more information available in Section 6.01 of the Bylaws, or please contact a board member.


Associate membership is available to an adult member of the immediate or extended family of a Primary member - for example, the daughter or son, the sister or brother, the niece or nephew of a Primary member.

Each Associate membership covers one person and is entitled to one vote. The spouse or partner of an adult family member may also hold his or her own Associate membership.


Business members are a key component of The Minaki Conservancy.

As members, local businesses add a strong voice to our efforts when dealing with local, provincial, and federal government agencies in areas such as controlling invasive aquatic species and other water quality issues that directly impact Minaki tourism and its overall economy.

Membership fee amounts are in Canadian dollars. Membership fees, once paid, are not refundable.

To apply for or renew a membership via mail:

Print and complete the membership application form and mail it to the address on the form, together with your cheque for the membership fee or fees payable to The Minaki Conservancy. Please complete and mail the form for both new memberships and renewals. A space for an additional voluntary donation is provided.